

Moorland Local Advisory Committee

The Moorland LAC has recently been expanded to now include Wolborough academy, who join Ilsington, Moretonhampstead and Widecombe-in-the-Moor academies and the former Newton and Teign Hub, Bearnes  and Hennock academies. The Moorland LACclerk is Nicol Bush, she can be contacted through her email address This Committee is more recent in its formation but has a very strong group of experienced governors collaborating to support the academies. The Moorland LAC was initiated in February 2020 when the academies were re-brokered into the Link.

Oliver Heathman - Moorland

Chair, Community Governor

Lynda Cooper - Moorland

Parent Governor - Hennock

Ewa Ziubryniewicz - Moorland

Parent Governor - Bearnes

James Gething - Moorland

Parent Governor - Moretonhampstead

Robert Steemson - Moorlan

Parent Governor - Widecombe

Rosie Stamp - Moorland

Parent Governor - Ilsington

Gareth Regan - Moorland

Foundation Governor

Richard Nutbeam - Moorland

Parent Governor - Wolborough

East Devon Local Advisory Committee

The East Devon LAC serves Drakes and Otterton primary academies which was previously a Federation. This group underwent some changes on joining the Trust and while small, are a significant support to these two small schools. The East Devon LAC is clerked by Fran Mills and can be contacted on this email address The two schools worked very closely with the Link in a Management Partnership until December 2019 when the schools became academies and joined the Link.

Corinna Tigg - East Devon


Martin Jacques - East Devon

Community Governor

Louise Jacques - East Devon

Community Governor

Claire Appleby - East Devon

Staff Governor

Anne Pelosi - East Devon

Staff Governor

Claire Lister - East Devon

Parent Governor - Otterton

Robert Williams - East Devon

Parent Governor - Drake's

Totnes Local Advisory Committee

Totnes LAC serves Broadhempston, Diptford, Harbertonford, Landscove, Sparkwell and Stoke Gabriel primary academies. The Totnes LAC clerk is Nicol Bush, she can be contacted through her email address Totnes and Newton and Teign Federations were the first Hubs to be formed as they were operating as such when the Trust was established. Newton and Teign have now joined with the Moorland LAC. These were the two Federations that joined together to form the Link Academy Trust in April 2016.

Rebecca Sear - Totnes

Chair, Community Governor - Broadhempston

Cat Radford - Totnes

Vice Chair, Parent Governor - Harbertonford

Nanya Coles - Totnes

Lead in Safeguarding, Parent Governor Broadhempston

James Buchanan - Totnes

Parent Governor - Diptford

Grace Coles - Totnes

Parent Governor - Landscove

Jenny Sparkes - Totnes

Staff Governor

Caroline Lucas - Totnes

Parent Governor - Sparkwell

Helen Hall - Totnes

Parent Governor - Stoke Gabriel

Lucy Gibson

Parent Governor - Landscove

Kate Burch - Totnes

Foundation Governor

Mid Devon Local Advisory Committee

Mid Devon LAC serves Cheriton Bishop, Tedburn St Mary, Yeoford and Morchard Bishop C of E primary academies. The Mid Devon LAC Board is clerked by Pam Down and can be contacted on this email address The three Woodleigh schools joined the Trust in March 2018, they were a Federation and the Local Board simply moved across,  with Morchard Bishop adding to the group most recently in October 2021.

Max Thomas - Mid Devon

Chair - Community Governor

Joanna Hooper - Mid Devon

Community Governor

Rebecca Richards - Mid Devon

Staff Governor

Bruce Abbott - Mid Devon

Parent Governor - Yeoford

Tom Woodley - Mid Devon

Parent Governor - Tedburn St Mary

Matthew Boult - Mid Devon

Parent Governor - Cheriton Bishop

Nicol Bush - Moorland LAC - Bearnes, Hennock, Ilsington, Moretonhampstead, Widecombe-in-the-Moor and Wolborough 
Nicol Bush - Totnes LAC  - Broadhempston, Diptford, Harbertonford, Landscove, Sparkwell and Stoke Gabriel
Fran Mills - East Devon LAC - Drake’s and Otterton
Pam Down  - Mid Devon LAC - Cheriton Bishop, Tedburn St Mary,  Yeoford and Morchard Bishop